Noise Ordinance
Below is a document that describes the procedure of what to do if a neighbor is in violation of the City of Rochester Noise Ordinance. Also below is a form to use in order to file a deposition with RPD.
Graffiti Removal
There are a couple of ways to address instances of Graffiti, please follow the instructions below:
For large instances please go to this City of Rochester Link and follow the directions found there to report.
For small instances please send a note to and a board member will address the graffiti with our removal kits.
Rodent Control
Rat control is everyone's responsibility. Please take the following measures:
When feeding birds, don't scatter feed onto the ground. Keep rats and other wildlife away from bird feed and discontinue feeding if there is a rat infestation.
Keep yards trash free and also clean behind wooden steps, under decks, and in areas that could shelter rodents.
Cover garbage cans with tight fitting lids.
Don't let yard waste pile up on the ground.
Avoid feeding pets outdoors, and store food in rat-proof containers.
Clean up pet droppings on or near your property daily.
Seal holes in your home's foundations, and fasten floor drains.
Pile wood and other storage materials away from walls and at least 18" above the ground.
Remove sources of water.
Ensure windows and doors close tightly, and place heavy screening on basement windows.
Compost using a rodent-proof enclosure.
To report complaints, contact: Monroe County Department of Health Rodent Control Program, 585-753-5171 or